In Socibd, it is impossible to set membership status like featured, administrator, moderator, suspended, deleted etc from the member admin settings area. It is only possible to assign bulk actions to member categories.
There is no way to view invited members from the admin panel. It seems invites always remain in the invitation queue instead of being able to send directly when inviting someone from your personal member invitation panel area under friends.
Admins, are unable to enable RSS or SEO features like sitemap, RSS and robots.txt files. It also seems the ability to subscribe to a category, blog or forum as a whole as well as personal topics through email is not available yet.
There is no activity feed section to control what types of content appear there. Replies to posts as well as likes appearing as individual feeds would be nice to have in addition to being able to view if a new member joins or is awaiting approval! Admin related functions should also appear in the activity feed but only visible to a certain user group. As such, the member and administrative user groups should appear in user group section of the admin panel.
The chat in Socibd is beyond primitive to say the least. At most it can do is one function, send and receive messages. I hate to say it but it is cumbersome to use at best and it really puts a dampener on the prices Socib charges for a minimum let alone maximum monthly as well as yearly fee.
As members join, they should be able to change how their profile page appears. Every member should be given a quick add box at the top of their screen to add and view content they have or would like to post which is always available along with messages, friend requests and notifications. Speaking of which, notifications don't seem to appear as read even though they are viewed.
Global actions areas should be applied for doing quick actions on posts like featuring them, editing or removing them and or subscribing to the post itself as well as being able to jump to and add comments, likes and shares for all content as well as member profiles.
It would be great to be able to ad any type of odule to any page as well as be able to edit the size, column and width as well as height of each page through a builder option.