- Photos / Private albums?
- Top rated content - pics, videos, people, journals ?
- API for more social logins would be excellent (Myspace, pinterest, klout maybe, yelp, yammer, eventbrite, hipchat to pull video chat api third party to the site, and even telegram would be awesome)
- Any idea when chat may become webrtc? It would be great if chat webrtc would happen and socibd could create its own video chat bar for its networks. It would put you up there with socialgo and you would quickly squash them because they don't allow hashtags or @mentions.
- Buddypress/wordpress self hosted api - stuff like woocommerce, bitcoin payments, paypal api, stuff for sites with stores or pay wall other than stripe?
-games it would be great also if we had api to some game sites like steam, or zynga, could load your games on socibd?
- Oxwall has the ability to play videos in the newsfeed stream, this may be a good import for socibd as well?