Currently, if we have a falling out with someone, we can unfriend them, and unfollow them, still if they post a status, a blog, a forum post, we can see it, and we can comment. This is not going to help.
WE need a better block function period. We can be adults and ignore or reply calmly, but sooner or later someone is going to tell someone to go suck their "_________" buy a vowel. lol
I also realize, we need a better suspend/ban by ip, email address or by user name system. True, we have suspend from network in admin area, but if you suspend and then delete them, they can also rejoin.
WE should also have a kick function, to kick them perm from trying to join, true I can always go on private and invite everyone, but this will hurt site visitors who can't see everything and the spammer feels good they got a reaction from me that thrilled them in ways grownup sex never could, apparently.
Spam emails are auto detected, but against what? It's not like spam detects stuff from, or anything on our site so they could be allowing spammers to sign up.
We need api! With api I can at least do something third party plugin wise to make my site social or efficant against spammers and trolls.